International Content
Political Bureau of the CPG(m-l): the Trump proposal brings new complications and tensions in imperialist antagonisms
The mass anti-imperialist struggle, the People's Struggle Front against all the killers of the planet, inspired and guided by the revolutionary communist perspective, is the only real answer.
4-page leaflet regarding the Internationalist Anti-war - Antiimperialist meeting!
You can read: - Greeting text regarding the meeting - The programme of two-day event - The organisations from abroad the take part in the two-day event
Struggle and Broad Solidarity brought Victory!
After four years of political hostage-taking, all 61 activists who were arrested and prosecuted for their participation in the demonstrations of December 6, 2020 in Athens, which – under the pretext of the pandemic – had been banned by the ND-government, were acquitted. The court (Single-Member Court of Appeal) decided to acquit all 61 fighters, as it considered the charges of “dispersal of an infectious disease” and “disloyalty” to be legally unfounded.
How Trump's election came and what it brings to the planet
The US election has concluded, recording an at least comfortable victory for Trump.
The revolutionary fighter Professor G.N. Saibaba will never be forgotten! - Τhe Indian regime is guilty for torturously murdering him!
The revolutionary fighter Professor G.N. Saibaba will never beforgotten!Τhe Indian regime is guilty for torturously murdering him!On the night of October 12th the heart of a revolutionary fighter, who literally devoted his whole life and hiscrippled body to the defence of the rights of millions of poor and outcasts in India, and fought tirelessly fortheir national and social liberation, stopped beating.
Le combattant révolutionnaire Professeur G.N. Saibaba resterainoubliable! - Coupable du régime indien qui l'a torturé et assassiné !
Le combattant révolutionnaire Professeur G.N. Saibaba resterainoubliable!Coupable du régime indien qui l'a torturé et assassiné !
Opening statement of 10th conference of CPG (m-l)
Friends and Comrades,We welcome you to our event, with which we open the 10th Conference of the CPG(m-l). During the previous months when the pre-conference process developed within the organs and sectors of the Organization all over the country, in the many organized discussions with comrades and friends of the Organization and in the public dialogue that took place, with the significant participation of comrades and friends of the organization on its website, certain characteristics were reflected, we may even say they were dominant.
10th Conference of CPG(m-l): On the situation and developments in the country
This year the country's ruling class is celebrating fifty years since the restoration of democracy. It is celebrating while the ambitions and goals it has proclaimed throughout this process have been repeatedly contradicted. It celebrates this while being in a context of great impasses that the political system attempts to present as a "context of possibilities".
10th Conference of CPG(m-l): The international situation
Above all and essentially, therefore, organizations with a revolutionary communist orientation have to face in a progressive, substantial and decisive way the threefold task of upgrading our contribution to the class struggle, the strengthening of the revolutionary direction within it and the incorporation into our movement of those elements of physiognomy which derive from the conclusions on the causes of the restoration ebb.
10th Conference of CPG(m-l): Characteristics, objectives, and directions
The 10th Conference must lay the foundations to overcome these weaknesses. It must lay the foundations so that the Organization can enter with new impetus and enhanced obligations and responsibilities into the front lines of struggle, into the workers' and people's movement.
Déclaration commune des organisations et partis: Abstention aux élections européennes
Les élections pour le Parlement européen en mai‐juin auront lieu dans une période d'attaques multiples contre les droits des peuples d'Europe et dans une période de guerre et de conflits sanglants sur le continent européen.
Joint statement by organisations and parties: Abstention from the European elections
The elections for the European Parliament in May-June will take place in a period of multiple-level attack on the rights of the peoples of Europe and furthermore in a period of war and bloody conflicts on the European continent.
Gemeinsame Erklärung Kommunistischer Organisationen zur Europawahl: Keine Teilnahme an den Europawahlen!
Die Wahlen für das Europäische Parlament im Mai und Juni diesen Jahres fallen in eine Zeit vielfältiger Angriffe auf verschiedenen Ebenen auf die Rechte der Völker Europas. Sie finden außerdem in einer Zeit des Krieges und blutiger Konflikte auf dem europäischen Kontinent statt.
Non à la mission de la frégate grecque! Non à la participation aux plans de guerre des impérialistes!
La décision des Etats-Unis (et de 9 autres "alliés", dont la Grande-Bretagne, la France et l’Italie) d’envoyer une flotte de guerre composée de frégates en mer Rouge, au motif de "protéger" le passage des navires marchands contre les attaques des "Houthis" (pro-iraniens) du Yémen et leurs attaques contre les navires israéliens et américains.
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